Walter - Private Guide in San Jose
ICT naturalist guide license # 597, general guide tourism legislation and environmental Costa Rica s tourism geography CR. history CR. natural history overview of tourism CR cultural tourism attention and guiding tourist ethics applied to tourism first AIDS and CPR
Languages: english spanish
My Name is Walter and i live in Costa Rica in the province of Alajuela and La Fortuna Distit. I born in Tortuguero on the Caribean sloap. I love my country and i am very proud of it. I like people and i am very hapy to shear it wit them. When i have visitors i am veri hapy to show them around.
it is very god to be a naturalist bicause it is very important to explene wit detals what it is about. Dear is a lot of people that visit the contry and do not have an idea about the gloval warminop,and it is very important to explene this fact to them and let them know ow importan it is for us. I have a lot of expiriece in small grups of familys and groups of fredns also Costa Rica is geat we have a very hight porcent of litrece and ower education sistem is very god.
Like my personal information i am studing vulcanology and it so interesthing to learn everything about over geological formation and it is grat to see how ower planet is chengin soo fast. So my frends if you are wiling to com and visit i wiil bee hear to help you and give you a wanderful vacation.
Latest Customer's Opinions:
Very good, very knowledgeable, polite, honest, responsive. Suggested good detail,. Reasonable price.