Private guide in Nizwa, guided tours in Nizwa, Oman
Top Attractions in Nizwa
Nizwa Fort, Tanuf, Al-Hamra, Al-Mesfah and Jabal Shams, Al-Qala'a, Al-Qaryah, Al-Aredh, Bahla
Language: Arabic
Currency: Omani Rial (RO)
Information about Nizwa
When thinking about booking your upcoming vacation location, we ask that you take the city of Nizwa into consideration. Nizwa is one of the most ancient cities in Oman and has an arid climate. Nizwa is engulfed by mountains; therefore, making the view simply beautiful.
Nizwa fort was built in the 1668 AD and is Oman's most renowned and visited national monument. The central part of the fort took approximately 12 years to complete and was constructed over an underground stream. It is a landmark that absolutely must be seen by tourists while on their treks to Nizwa. Shopping is abundant and terrific in this city. There is a wide spectrum of goods that may be purchased by visitors. Nizwa is well-known for its handicrafts and agricultural products. Merchants offer products such as meat, fish, fruits and vegetables as well as spices, dates, gold and silverware. Nizwa is famous for its silver jewelry designated as the best in the country.
Copper ware, coffee pots, swords, leather goods and pottery are handicrafts sold by vendors as well. Farming is practiced a great deal in Nizwa. Falaj Daris, which is a World Heritage Site, sustains the city of Nizwa. It provides the water that is absolutely essential in order to sustain the plantations. Nizwa certainly has something for everyone from history to shopping in addition to viewing the beauty of nature while gazing at the mountains. We strongly believe that choosing Nizwa as your selection for travel plans is a perfect decision.
Private Guide in Nizwa - Sultan
(Member Since 2019) Languages: English, ArabicI'm co-founder of an innovative tourism agency "Tijwal Majan" company and one of the first hundred persons graduated as industrial innovation specialist on tourism industry in Oman.I have been working as a local tour guide for the last two years.
Private Guide in Nizwa - Yasser
(Member Since 2017) Languages: Arabic, English, GermanHello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Yasser Al-Nabhani and I'm from Nizwa City in Oman. I am staying also most of the week days in the capital of Oman"Muscat" and do city tours over there.